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Wrapped Boxes

Looking to gift a fun day out for a beer lover?
Bristol Hoppers has you covered!


Take a look at our suggestions below from just £4, or buy a gift voucher so they can choose their preferred tour style

- An audio tour of the breweries for two with a guided tasting of three delicious beers included at the first stop.
-A self-guided mystery pub tour for one, with beers included at all five stops. With maps, facts and snacks.


£25 - The lucky recipient can choose to use their voucher for:


Valid for tours until 01/10/23

£25 - Book a tour date. If you know when the lucky person is free, you can book them straight onto that date.
(Button also takes you to a calendar view of all tours and more detail on each tour type)

£3.99 - Choose from two immersive audio tours with plenty of beery venues along the route.

Valid until 01/10/23

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